If you set New Year’s resolutions or goals in January, there’s a decent chance you’ve already slipped up or abandoned them completely. But that doesn’t mean failure is inevitable. In this episode, we’ll explore three common obstacles to achieving goals and resolutions and three simple strategies you can use to overcome them.
If goals and resolutions feel overwhelming or heavy or frustrating to you, if you don’t like setting goals and resolutions because you feel like what’s the point – you never accomplish them anyway – this episode is for you. Listen in to learn a different way to think about goals and resolutions that will make it easier and more fun to achieve the results you want.
3 obstacles to achieving goals and 3 strategies to overcome them
The problem with socially compliant goals
Why it’s not useful to focus on your shortcomings when setting goals
How to accomplish more by doing less
Why pain, discomfort, and disappointment are all optional after failure
How to make success inevitable