Seeing others as God does can be challenging. Our brains are hardwired to make snap judgements of others based on their outward appearance and behaviors. How can we go beyond “looking at the outward appearance” and get closer to “looking on the heart” as God does (see 1 Samuel 16:7)?
Whether you’re Christian or not, this episode will help you be more open and accepting of others – even when you don’t agree with their political, religious, or other beliefs. Finding common ground is easier than you might think, and you can do it without changing your own beliefs and standards. The benefit in doing so is that YOU get to feel more peace and calm and help others do the same.
Note: this episode is a presentation I gave to my church’s local women’s group. If you’d like to see a video of the presentation, you can watch it on my YouTube channel.
Why it’s normal, natural, and healthy for our brains to make snap judgments of others
Why it’s worth it to learn to override this default behavior
Two tools that have been highly effective for me in overriding this default behavior, including:
The concept that completely changed how I think about this
A powerful question that can immediately shift your perspective about someone else
Steve Zuieback – Sadly, Steve passed away in August 2021. You can learn more about his former trainings and books through this website.
“Come Unto Jesus” video (Note: I didn’t name it in the episode, but this is the video I described when talking about our brains making judgments without having the full picture.)