When we face unexpected challenges, it’s normal for our brains to spin out in worry and fear about potential outcomes. This mental “spin cycle” not only hinders our ability to accurately assess the probability and severity of these outcomes but also impairs our prefrontal cortex’s problem-solving ability. If you’re faced with an unexpected problem and want to stop your brain’s spin cycle, what can you do?
In this episode you’ll learn a powerful three-step strategy to halt the spin cycle. Listen in to hear how this strategy can help you calm down, identify practical solutions, and feel more confident handling the problem.
How normal human brains typically respond to unexpected problems
Why you want to slow your brain down when it wants to spin out
A 3-step strategy you can use to stop the mental “spin cycle”
Why accepting the worst case scenario helps your brain calm down and identify solutions
Why facing monsters head-on is always more effective than hiding from them
4 examples of using the “worst case scenario” strategy